Other events


Serveral LAMiNATErs participated in the 33rd installment of the European second language association (EuroSLA) conference held in Montpellier 3–6 July, some as presenters and some as part of the audience.


The day before the main conference, a doctoral workshop provides PhD students with the opportunity to discuss their work with a senior researcher. This year, Helene Springer (supervised by LAMiNATE’s Marianne Gullberg and Frida Splendido) participated and discussed her upcoming studies on audiovisual perception of vowels with Joan C. Mora. Marianne Gullberg also served as a discussant in a session on multimodality in language acquisition.

LAMiNATErs further participated both with oral presentations and with posters. In the main conference, LAMiNATErs delivered two presentations.

  • Anders Agebjörn and Robert Wallin: “Writing development in adult L2 learners of varying educational backgrounds”

  • Céline Rocher Hahlin, Alastair Henry, Joost Van de Weijer, Jonas Granfeldt “Perceptual curiosity in L2 learning: construct development and scale validation”

The poster sessions featured three LAMiNATE contributions:

  • Malin Ågren: “Methods and methodological challenges in the study of morphology in L2 French”

  • Jonas Granfeldt, Céline Rocher Hahlin, Joost Van de Weijer and Alastair Henry: “Motivation to learn a second foreign language in upper secondary school: A preregistered intervention study” 

  • Lari-Valtteri Suhonen & Anders Agebjörn: “We Have Friend – Exploring Preference in Article Use in L1 Finnish Adult Learners of English and Swedish”


All in all a very fruitful conference!

Work in progress: Our First Brown Bag Seminar

LAMiNATE's first brown bag seminar welcomed a team of three speakers: Lars Bokander (Jönköping University), Robert Walldén (Malmö University) and LAMiNATE's Anders Agebjörn. The team presented ongoing qualitative and quantitative work: "Vocabulary and writing in Swedish for Immigrants: Methodological perspectives on researching L2 learning among adults of varying educational backgrounds." The seminar included presentation of the research projects (including preliminary results) as well as discussion of methodological challenges. In all a very successful first wip seminar!


LAMiNATERs Henriette Arndt, Jonas Granfeldt, and Marianne Gullberg attended AAAL 2023 in Portland, OR, where they got to enjoy a vibrant conference over 5 days with 1,933 attendees presenting individual talks, symposia and colloquia, and 6 plenaries, one of which was by Luke Plonsky, member of LAMiNATE's scientific advisory board.

-It's been wonderful to catch up with colleagues and friends, said Marianne. We were also very lucky to have a good turnout and great feedback on our symposium on the Experience Sampling Method - despite being scheduled at Saturday morning at 8 am. AAAL is really stimulating, and you return energised and well informed about the research front in our field. In the words of another attendee: it's a feast of knowledge!

LAMiNATErs at Teacher Training Event

Several LAMiNATErs participated in Språklärardagen (Language Teacher Day) on March 17. The full-day event, organised by the local teacher traing team, was open to both student teachers and active teachers. Katarina Lundin presented grammatical tools to develop "strong writers'" texts, Frida Splendido talked about the "what?" and "how?" of pronunciation instruction, and Alastair Henry presented on the topic of psychology of persistance and how it relates to language learning and teaching.

End-of-term Mingle, May 2022


On May 24 LAMiNATE Talks closed its spring series with a hybrid seminar presented by Ida Rosqvist that prompted lively discussions followed by mingle in Fakultetsklubben. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the LAMiNATE Talks series this spring, be it by presenting or participating in the discussion!

Brainstorming Session, March 2022

On March 15, LAMiNATE members met for a brainstorming session during the regular Talks slot. The brainstorming focused on research interests with an aim to find common ideas and questions. Lively group discussions ensued on topics such as classroom research, language assessment tools and language processing. The participants decided to continue discussing the possibilities of a day of continuous training for schools (both teachers and management). The groups were all also interested in having a seminar or a thematic session of the autumn Talks series focus on assessment tools and methodology.

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