


LAMiNATE Talks: Elouise Botes — Foreign Language Emotions: Methodological Developments and Detriments

3 December 2024 15:15 to 16:30 Seminar

Elouise Botes (University of Luxembourg)

Understanding the intricate interplay between emotions and language learning has emerged as a foundational aspect of individual differences research in applied linguistics. Consequently, the imperative to systematically and reliably capture learners' emotional experiences through questionnaires arose. In this talk, I will present the evolution of language emotion measurement in five key phases. 

First, I explore the mid-20th century's early quantitative measures, characterized by preliminary statistical methods and inconsistencies in definitions and measurements. Second, I delve into the 1980s' introduction of emotion measures tailored to language learning, particularly anxiety. This marked the targeted development phase for emotion measurement. Next, the interdisciplinary phase follows, signifying increased collaboration between applied linguists and psychologists in measuring emotions in language learning. This phase stimulated the use of advanced statistical methods in language studies. The fourth phase witnesses the integration of positive psychology into applied linguistics, leading to the positivity phase. Positive emotion scales, notably assessing enjoyment, were introduced, positioning enjoyment as a significant contender alongside anxiety in affective studies of language learning. 

In the current fifth phase, termed post-positivity, emotion measurement has proliferated, surpassing the dominance of anxiety and enjoyment. This phase hosts competing theories, models, psychometric discussions, and alternative conceptualizations. Throughout this journey, I highlight seminal works within each phase, pivotal debates, and notable findings. Additionally, I consider potential future trends and existing knowledge gaps. This concise overview encapsulates the historical trajectory of emotion measurement in language learning, reflecting its evolution from early quantitative methods to the complex and diverse landscape of today.

Part 2 of 2 in a seminar series on Emotions in Second Language Acquisition

Read more: LAMiNATE — Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Teaching

About the event:

3 December 2024 15:15 to 16:30



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